XTERRA Fitness TR150 vs Horizon Fitness T101

We’ve compared XTERRA Fitness TR150 and Horizon Fitness T101 to see how they stand against each other, so you know what you’re getting with each treadmill before choosing one.

Incline: The Horizon Fitness T101 has %10 motorized incline which is adjustable with the quick keys on its console. The TR150 has 3 levels of manual incline, which is hard to adjust when you want to change.
Motor Power: The motor on the T101 is a 2.5 CHP motor, while the XTERRA Fitness TR150 has a slightly smaller 2.25 CHP motor.
Maximum Speed: Both treadmills have a top speed of 10 MPH.
Running Area: The belt areas of the TR150 and T101 are 16″ X 50″ and 20″ X 55″.

See our full comparison below to learn why the Horizon Fitness T101 is a superior treadmill.

Xterra TR150

Horizon Fitness T101

Image of XTERRA Fitness TR150 treadmill Image of Horizon Fitness T101 treadmill

Here we list all available specs side by side so you can decide which one of these treadmills would be a suitable option for you.

XTERRA Fitness TR150 vs Horizon Fitness T101 Specs Table

Max User Weight Capacity ?The maximum user weight that the treadmill can handle.
250 LBS
300 LBS
Motor Power ?How strong is the motor? We recommend at least a 2.25 HP motor for home use.
2.25 CHP
2.5 CHP
Maximum Speed ?Maximum speeds in miles per hour.
10 MPH 10 MPH
3 levels – Manual (.5%, 1%, 2%) 0 to 10 %
Running Area (Belt Size)
16″ X 50″ 20″ X 55″
Number of Programs
12 5
Heart Rate Monitor
EKG Grip Pulse and Hand Pulse Grips Pulse Grip
Wireless Heart Rate Monitor
Cooling Fan
5″ LCD Three LED Windows
Web Browser
iFit Coach Compatible
Tablet holder
Lifetime Frame 1 Year Motor 90 Days Parts 90 Days Labor Frame: Lifetime, Motor: Lifetime, Partss: 1 year, Labor:1 Year
See Price at Amazon See Price at Amazon

Side by side comparison of XTERRA Fitness TR150 and Horizon Fitness T101 treadmills.

Display and User Interface Comparison

The XTERRA Fitness TR150 has a 5″ LCD and the Horizon Fitness T101 has a Three LED Windows. We think the bigger screen size of the TR150 is a plus. Consoles of XTERRA Fitness TR150 and Horizon Fitness T101.