Schwinn 810 vs Horizon Fitness T101

What are the differences between the Schwinn 810 and Horizon Fitness T101 treadmills?

There is almost no difference between these two treadmills in terms of performance:
Both treadmills have a top speed of 10 MPH, similar motors (2.6 vs. 2.5 CHP), 0 to 10 % motorized incline, folding design, and integrated contact grip heart rate monitors.

For those who really like to get into the online training and performance tracking, the Schwinn 810 is a better option since it is compatible with Explore the World App, but it requires subscription (It also works with Zwift app). The Horizon Fitness T101 offers slightly higher maximum weight capacity than the Schwinn, 300 lbs. vs. 275 lbs.

Read our full comparison below to learn more.

Schwinn 810

Horizon Fitness T101

Image of Schwinn 810 treadmill Image of Horizon Fitness T101 treadmill

Here we list all available specs side by side so you can see which one of these treadmills would be a suitable option for you.

Schwinn 810 vs Horizon Fitness T101 Specs Table

Max User Weight Capacity ?The maximum user weight that the treadmill can handle.
275 LBS
300 LBS
Motor Power ?How strong is the motor? We recommend at least a 2.25 HP motor for home use.
2.6 CHP
2.5 CHP
Maximum Speed ?Maximum speeds in miles per hour.
10 MPH 10 MPH
0 to 10 % 0 to 10 %
Running Area (Belt Size)
20″ X 55″ 20″ X 55″
Number of Programs
16 5
Heart Rate Monitor
Pulse Grip Pulse Grip
Wireless Heart Rate Monitor
Cooling Fan
Blue backlit LCD Three LED Windows
Web Browser
iFit Coach Compatible
Explore the World App
Tablet holder
Frame: 10 years, Motor: 10 years, Mechanical 1 year, Electronics: 1 year, Labor: 1 year Frame: Lifetime, Motor: Lifetime, Parts: 1 year, Labor:1 Year
See Price at Amazon See Price at Amazon

Side by side comparison of Schwinn 810 and Horizon Fitness T101 treadmills.

Display and User Interface Comparison

The Schwinn 810 has a Blue backlit LCD and the Horizon Fitness T101 has a Three LED Windows. Consoles of Schwinn 810 and Horizon Fitness T101.

Built in Programs

The 810 has 11 more programs, 16 vs 5.