Nautilus E614 Elliptical vs Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer

Struggling to choose between Nautilus E614 Elliptical and Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer then you can find out how each compares to each other in this page. We hope you will save some time and find what is the best option for you.
Nautilus E614 Elliptical vs Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer

Nautilus E614 Elliptical

Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer

Spec Comparison of Nautilus E614 Elliptical and Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer

Nautilus E614 Elliptical Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer
Our rating: Our rating:
Elliptical Elliptical
Stride length ?The stride length is the longest distance that can be achieved between two pedals of the elliptical.
20 inches
20 inches
Drive System ?Good ellipticals use a flywheel for the drive system. Higher flywheel weights provide a smoother motion.
High inertia perimeter weighted flywheel High inertia perimeter weighted flywheel
Incline ?Does elliptical can incline to vary the workout? Some models have power incline feature, so that you can adjust the incline with buttons during the workout
6 position manual ramp adjustment 0 to 11% motorized adjustment
Maximum User Weight
300 lbs.
300 lbs.
Resistance ?Number of resistance levels.
Magnetic, 20 levels of eddy current resistance Magnetic, 25 levels of eddy current brake resistance
Heart Rate Monitor
Programs ?Programs make the exercise more challenging.
22 29
Large articulating footplates with cushioning Large articulating footplates with cushioning
Water Bottle Holder
  • Dual Track LCD display – two LCD windows display the status up to 13 workout details
  • Charging USB port and data export to or
  • 20-Inch stride length, 22 programs, 20 levels of resistance, 2 user profiles and more
  • Acoustic chambered speakers for big sound
  • Grip heart rate.
  • Blue backlit Dual Track LCD display – two LCD windows display the status up to 13 workout details
  • Bluetooth LE connectivity and Charging USB port
  • 20-Inch stride length, 29 programs, 25 levels of resistance, 4 user profiles and more
  • Acoustic chambered speakers for big sound
  • Grip heart rate or telemetry enabled for chest strap
167.3 lbs.
173.3 lbs.
  • 10 years frame
  • 2 years mechanical
  • 1 year electrical
  • 90 days labor
  • 10 years frame
  • 2 years mechanical
  • 1 year electrical
  • 90 days labor

A Youtube Video About Nautilus E614 Elliptical

A Video About Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer

Nautilus E614 Elliptical vs Nautilus E616 Elliptical Trainer